Privacy policy

We want you to understand what types of information we collect when you use our services

We collect information to provide better services to all our users: for example, to determine the language you speak, to select ads that will be useful to you, to help you more easily connect with the right users on the network, to determine which YouTube videos you might like, etc. What information Google collects and how it is used depends on your interaction with our services and your chosen privacy settings.

If you are not signed in to a Google Account, we store the collected information along with unique identifiers associated with the browser, application, or device you use. This allows us to apply the same settings (such as language or personalization of search results and ads based on your actions) to all of your browsing sessions.

If you are signed in to a Google Account, we also collect the data we store in it and treat it as personal information.

Data you create or provide to us

When you create a Google Account, you provide us with personal information that includes your name and password. You can also add a phone number or payment information to your account. You may provide us with certain information, such as an email address, to communicate with Google or receive updates about our services without even signing in to a Google Account.

We also collect content that you create, upload, or receive from others when you use our services, including incoming and outgoing emails, saved photos and videos, created documents and spreadsheets, and comments on YouTube videos.