Employment contract

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We specialize in drafting, reviewing, and analyzing employment contracts to ensure legal security and efficiency of HR management.

The conclusion of employment contracts is an important step between employers and employees. Clearly defined rights and obligations of the parties, working conditions, remuneration and working hours, contract duration, as well as other personal conditions related to the employee's work, play a critical role in ensuring productive interaction between business owners and the team of employees.

An employment contract allows you to clearly define all the terms and conditions, ensuring that misunderstandings and conflicts are avoided in the future. Such an agreement provides legal protection for both parties, both the employer and the employee, and creates a legal basis for regulating the employment and activities of the employee in your business.

If you need professional legal and accounting support in Ukraine, don't hesitate to contact «GM Lawyers». We are ready to provide an individualized approach for your business and get the highest quality of services.

The main services in this area are

• drafting employment contracts:

• standard and customized employment contracts, taking into account the conditions and needs of a particular company, and employment contracts by the needs and specifics of the company's activities;

• review of labor contracts:

• detailed analysis of existing documentation in the labor sphere, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and protecting the interests of the client;

• optimization of the terms of employment contracts: balancing the interests of the parties, ensuring optimal conditions for effective cooperation with employees;

• termination of labor relations: legal support during the termination of labor relations, ensuring compliance with the law and minimizing the risks of the parties going to court;

• tax structuring in the context of labor relations.


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Ukraine, 79005, Lviv, square Petrushevicha, 3

Work schedule

Monday - Thursday: 10.00-20.00

Friday: 10.00-18.00

Saturday: by appointment

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