Investments are a key part of starting a business, developing it, and maintaining it. Starting a business or receiving venture capital contributions from investors is an investment process.

The investment process involves certain risks and numerous legal aspects.

«GM Lawyers» provides comprehensive legal support in investment matters, helping you to ensure maximum capital protection and achieve financial results.

Clients are accompanied by lawyers paralegals, and accountants who have extensive experience in researching and creating relevant documentation.

The investment process involves analysis, planning, selection of optimal options, and conclusion of transactions. Investing in your own business is a whole journey, from starting a company to achieving sustainable profits.

Investing can be individualized for each investor and depends on the type of investment and the chosen approach. The success of the investment process is determined not only by the chosen object but also by the quality of analysis, depth of preparation, and risk management. When selecting an investment target and concluding a deal, it is important to consider all legal, financial, and tax aspects.

In this practice, we:

• provide comprehensive advice on investing in your own business or venture capital investments; investing in real estate and other tangible assets;

• analysis of the business plan and documentation of the future investment object;

• drafting, "examination" and amendment of contracts necessary for investment;

• support and representation of interests at all stages of investment.


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Ukraine, 79005, Lviv, square Petrushevicha, 3

Work schedule

Monday - Thursday: 10.00-20.00

Friday: 10.00-18.00

Saturday: by appointment

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